Guarantee of a Better Future

Screenshot 2023-12-28 at 1.26.30 PM

I like guarantees!

Whenever I purchase a new car, appliance or electronics, I find out what kind of warranty or guarantee comes with it. Most guarantees are limited and come with stipulations and conditions, restricting it to basic conditions and criteria!

No one can guarantee the future, but we’re guaranteed a better future in the New Testament through the finished work of Christ.

Paul said:

“I thank my God always concerning you for the GRACE of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus, that you were enriched in everything by Him in all utterance and all knowledge, even as the testimony (preaching) of Christ was confirmed in you, so that you come short in no gift, eagerly waiting for the revelation (the revealing of, or return) of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will also CONFIRM you to the END, that you may be BLAMELESS in the day (at the return) of our Lord Jesus Christ.” —I Corinthians 1:4-9 (NKJV)

Jesus is our guarantee given by God—a LIMITLESS, ETERNAL guarantee!

“And He will ESTABLISH you to the end [keep you steadfast, give you strength, and GUARANTEE your VINDICATION; He will be your WARRANT against all ACCUSATION or INDICTMENT so that you will be] GUILTLESS and IRREPROACHABLE) ….” —1 Corinthians 1:8 (AMPC)

And HE GUARANTEES right up to the END that you will be counted FREE from all SIN and GUILT on that day when he returns. (There is no dread in His return.) God will SURELY do this for you, for HE ALWAYS does just what HE SAYS, and HE is the one who invited you into this wonderful FRIENDSHIP with his Son…. —1 Corinthians 1:8-9 (TLB)

Jesus is the guarantee of a changed, exchanged life; eternal forgiveness and freedom; and a guilt-free life! 

So much of the emotional pain and torment people suffer is a direct result of being chained to the hurts, offenses and disappointments of the past. Many put their future progress and happiness on hold by holding on to the past—both successes and failures.

We can’t do anything about our past, but we can do something about our future. When you receive Christ, you can let go of the past and realize your future doesn’t have to be determined by it. “Today IS the first day of the rest of your life,” and Jesus is the guarantee for a better future!

We ensure a more successful, productive future by putting our trust in the wisdom, power, and promise of the finished work of Christ.

We can be tempted to idle along, floating through life. Many have more than enough and feel they don’t need God. This causes them to live way below their true potential. Sometimes, the potential is only realized during times of hardship or trouble!

Some think it’s just being at the right place at the right time, but if you’re not prepared at that place and time, it will pass you by without event! To have what you’ve never had, you must be willing to believe what you’ve never believed and do what you’ve never done. Success doesn’t just happen. It takes steadfast belief (faith), planning, dedication, commitment and hard work!

A better future always starts with faith! (Mk. 11:24) We must believe in the same future God believes for us. He planned, prepared, prearranged and made ready for you to live the good life! (Jer. 29:11 AMPC)

Believing begins when we make a heartfelt choice, and our future is determined by the choices we make! Few adults know what they want. Yet, ask any child and they will tell you exactly what they want to do or be. They might even give you a list! But the older people get, the shorter that list often becomes.

Decide what you want. Settle the issue to determine the result (Job 22:28). It’s better to have ten goals and achieve two than to have no goals and achieve them all.


Then, when you decide what you want:


  • Be specific about it. The more specific you are, the more likely it will become your future reality.
  • Imagine getting it.  We must “see it” (imagine it) before we “see it.” Our hearts cannot distinguish between real and imaginary.
  • State the outcome positively. Speaking positive words about the outcome helps make it happen. We must say what we want rather than what we’ve got (Prov 18:21).
  • Take Action. Many with great ideas and vision never act because of fear of failure. There is no such thing as failure, only results.
  • Focus on things you can change. Don’t waste time! Focus on the things you can change and let God change the things you can’t.

Picture of Arthur Meintjes

Arthur Meintjes

Arthur teaches the grace of God in a practical way that highlights the dignity and value of every individual in God’s sight. This emphasis creates an atmosphere of restoration—restoring our relationship with God, with our families, our neighbors, and ultimately our nation. It’s practical Grace for extraordinary living!