I remember being able to discuss the love of God at length, long before I had actually experienced it. You see, I had an intellectual knowledge about His love, but not an experiential knowledge. What I needed most was to experience His love in reality for myself. Christians can talk volumes about the love of […]

Eternally Forgiven

Understanding how and when God forgives sins, which sins He forgives, and who receives forgiveness raises many questions. People often struggle with these issues, like concerns about the unforgivable sin, willful sins, backsliding, and repentance. Throughout my years of ministry as a pastor and traveling minister, forgiveness has been the most frequently asked-about topic! When […]

What About the Judgement Seat of Christ?

There is nothing that causes more emotional pain, mental anguish, and social instability in life than the expectation of punishment, retribution, scrutiny, and impending calamity, especially when it comes to the perceived wrathful judgment of God! What does the Gospel truly say about this? New Testament writers explain that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is […]

What About Ananias and Sapphire?

When you teach and preach the Gospel of God’s grace and emphasize His love and his true nature and character and that he is not angry, wrathful, and judgmental but forgiving, merciful and loving like I do, I often have Christians ask, “But what about Ananias and Sapphira”? Let’s look at those scriptures. Acts 4:34–37 […]

The Importance of Scripture Part II

Last month, we began looking at why Scripture is important. We saw that it is holy and inspired, given to us by God through the Holy Spirit to equip us with the evidence to reform our thinking and educate us in our right relationship with God. This month, we explore the importance of Scripture relating […]

The Importance of Scripture Part I

A major obstacle for Christians is not understanding the importance of Scripture. As a result, many are unable to relate to the Bible in a real, meaningful way. Your words are a FLASHLIGHT to light the path ahead of me and keep me from STUMBLING. —Psalm 119:105 TLB Many only relate to the Bible as […]


Giving is a risk, but a great risk. It is the risk of becoming part of something larger than yourself or what you are capable of doing on your own. “How blessed is God! And what a blessing He is! He’s the Father of our Master, Jesus Christ, and takes us to the high places […]

Shake Off Your Doubts

“And Jesus, replying, said to them, Have faith in God [constantly]. Truly I tell you, whoever says to this mountain, Be lifted up and thrown into the sea! and does not doubt at all in his heart but believes that what he says will take place, it will be done for him.” —Mark 11:22-23 (AMPC) […]

Guarantee of a Better Future

I like guarantees! Whenever I purchase a new car, appliance or electronics, I find out what kind of warranty or guarantee comes with it. Most guarantees are limited and come with stipulations and conditions, restricting it to basic conditions and criteria! No one can guarantee the future, but we’re guaranteed a better future in the […]

His Mercies Are Everlasting

HIS MERCIES ARE EVERLASTING As this year draws to a close and we reflect on this past year and looking forward to celebrating Christmas with our families and friends, I would like to remind you that God’s Mercies are everlasting. For so many people this time of the year can be a tough because we […]

God Loves Human!

Many of the struggles that we have in life originate in our inaccurate and sometimes erroneous beliefs we have regarding the nature and character of God. There is also an equally inaccurate, belief regarding the true identity and value of man. In the book of Psalms David writes: “When I view and consider Your heavens, […]

Be Not Afraid!

In today’s society, fear has become a normal part of life. It seems to be mans’ ever-present companion. We are continually anxious about the soaring crime rate, the failing economy, wars and rumors of wars and social tensions. These fears leave us feeling out of control, and our hearts fail us because of fear. Fear—the […]